Laporkan Masalah


ALPIAN, Prof. Ir. T. A. Prayitno, M.For., Ph.D.

2014 | Disertasi | S3 Ilmu Kehutanan

Gelam (Melaleuca sp.) is generally found in tidal swamp areas in Central Kalimantan. Gelam has several advantages including the post-fire pioneer tree species, easy to grow and fast growing, tolerant to extreme soil conditions (high acidity, high salinity, and flooding water), possessing straight stems, and medium specific gravity. This study investigated the stand of gelam based on three factors; first, the two location i.e. peat thickness of 51– 100 cm (location 1) and peat thickness of 101– 200 cm (location 2); second, the tree growth stages including seedling, sapling, pole, and tree; and third, the tree parts including the root, stem, branch, leaf, flower, and fruit. This study is aimed at examining the potential for biomass and carbon of gelam, its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, the quality of charcoal, the quality of the liquid smoke produced from the pyrolysis process of gelam and the quality of activated charcoal applied to improve water quality. This research was divided into several sub-researches as follows: (1) sub-research examining the potential for biomass, carbon, abilities of karbon dioxide absorption of gelamin ton ha -1 and find the allometric equations (biomass and carbon), (2) sub-research investigating the specific gravity of gelam’s wood, (3) sub-research examining the quality of gelam charcoal (ASTM standard). The standard for the quality of charcoal referred to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI); (4) sub-research assessing the quality of activated gelam’s wood charcoal (ASTM standard) and applied to improve water quality. The quality standard of activated charcoal refers to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), and (5) sub research investigating the quality of liquid smoke of gelam. The quality standard of liquid smoke referred to the Japanese standard. The results showed allometric equations to estimate the biomass at the location 1 and location 2 for seedling (B=0,045pD 1,31 ; B=0,048Dp 1,76 ); for sapling, pole and tree (B=0,153D 2,36 ; B=0,183D 2,39) . The biomass potential at location 2 (147,223 ton ha -1 ) is bigger from location 1 (131,578 ton ha -1 ). The allometric equations to estimate carbon (Brown) at the location 1 and location 2 for seedling (K=0,023Dp 1,31 ; K=0,026Dp 2,03 ) ; for sapling, pole, and tree (K=0,077D 2,35 ; K=0,092D 2,39 ). The carbon potential at location 2 (73,599 ton ha -1 ) is bigger from location 1 (65,788 ton ha -1 ). The abilities of karbon dioxide absorption location 2 (269,863 ton ha -1 ) is bigger from location 1 (241,223 ton ha -1 ). The specific gravity of gelam wood ranged from 0.55 to 0.77 was in the medium category. The charcoal from interaction between the locations, stages of growth, and parts of tree (root, stem, and branch) generally met the SNI 01-1683-1989. Based on the interaction between the location, stages of growth, and parts of tree, if gelam charcoal was developed into charcoal briquette material, it would possibility meet the SNI 01-6235-2000. The liquid smoke of gelam met the Japanese qualification of liquid smoke. The activated charcoal from the gelam wood met the standards of the technical quality of activated charcoal (SNI 06-3730-1995), activated charcoal for food’s oil refinery (SNI 06-4262-1996), and activated charcoal for drinking water (SNI 06-4253-1996) (except the absorption of benzene). The application of activated charcoal made from the gelam wood can improve the quality of water in the drilled wells in the city of Palangka Raya (meeting the clean water standard). The quality of water from the river in Anjir Kalampan village and river in Saka Mangkahai village met the standard of pure water except pH (requiring additional alkaline substances). Gelam can be developed into two aspects of utilization, i.e. the ecological/ environmental aspect and the economic aspect/tree production. Both aspects should be balanced for the sake of continuity and sustainability of ecological and economic utilization.

Gelam (Melaleuca sp.) is generally found in tidal swamp areas in Central Kalimantan. Gelam has several advantages including the post-fire pioneer tree species, easy to grow and fast growing, tolerant to extreme soil conditions (high acidity, high salinity, and flooding water), possessing straight stems, and medium specific gravity. This study investigated the stand of gelam based on three factors; first, the two location i.e. peat thickness of 51– 100 cm (location 1) and peat thickness of 101– 200 cm (location 2); second, the tree growth stages including seedling, sapling, pole, and tree; and third, the tree parts including the root, stem, branch, leaf, flower, and fruit. This study is aimed at examining the potential for biomass and carbon of gelam, its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, the quality of charcoal, the quality of the liquid smoke produced from the pyrolysis process of gelam and the quality of activated charcoal applied to improve water quality. This research was divided into several sub-researches as follows: (1) sub-research examining the potential for biomass, carbon, abilities of karbon dioxide absorption of gelamin ton ha -1 and find the allometric equations (biomass and carbon), (2) sub-research investigating the specific gravity of gelam’s wood, (3) sub-research examining the quality of gelam charcoal (ASTM standard). The standard for the quality of charcoal referred to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI); (4) sub-research assessing the quality of activated gelam’s wood charcoal (ASTM standard) and applied to improve water quality. The quality standard of activated charcoal refers to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), and (5) sub research investigating the quality of liquid smoke of gelam. The quality standard of liquid smoke referred to the Japanese standard. The results showed allometric equations to estimate the biomass at the location 1 and location 2 for seedling (B=0,045pD 1,31 ; B=0,048Dp 1,76 ); for sapling, pole and tree (B=0,153D 2,36 ; B=0,183D 2,39) . The biomass potential at location 2 (147,223 ton ha -1 ) is bigger from location 1 (131,578 ton ha -1 ). The allometric equations to estimate carbon (Brown) at the location 1 and location 2 for seedling (K=0,023Dp 1,31 ; K=0,026Dp 2,03 ) ; for sapling, pole, and tree (K=0,077D 2,35 ; K=0,092D 2,39 ). The carbon potential at location 2 (73,599 ton ha -1 ) is bigger from location 1 (65,788 ton ha -1 ). The abilities of karbon dioxide absorption location 2 (269,863 ton ha -1 ) is bigger from location 1 (241,223 ton ha -1 ). The specific gravity of gelam wood ranged from 0.55 to 0.77 was in the medium category. The charcoal from interaction between the locations, stages of growth, and parts of tree (root, stem, and branch) generally met the SNI 01-1683-1989. Based on the interaction between the location, stages of growth, and parts of tree, if gelam charcoal was developed into charcoal briquette material, it would possibility meet the SNI 01-6235-2000. The liquid smoke of gelam met the Japanese qualification of liquid smoke. The activated charcoal from the gelam wood met the standards of the technical quality of activated charcoal (SNI 06-3730-1995), activated charcoal for food’s oil refinery (SNI 06-4262-1996), and activated charcoal for drinking water (SNI 06-4253-1996) (except the absorption of benzene). The application of activated charcoal made from the gelam wood can improve the quality of water in the drilled wells in the city of Palangka Raya (meeting the clean water standard). The quality of water from the river in Anjir Kalampan village and river in Saka Mangkahai village met the standard of pure water except pH (requiring additional alkaline substances). Gelam can be developed into two aspects of utilization, i.e. the ecological/ environmental aspect and the economic aspect/tree production. Both aspects should be balanced for the sake of continuity and sustainability of ecological and economic utilization.

Kata Kunci : gelam, biomassa, karbon, berat jenis, arang, arang aktif dan asap cair.

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