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Nekara tipe Pejeng :: Kajian banding dengan Nekara tipe Heger I

BINTARTI, D.D, Promotor Prof.Dr. R.P. Soejono

2001 | Disertasi | S3 Ilmu Sastra

Penelitian nekara perunggu tipe Heger dan Pejeng bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hngsi, membuat kalsifikasi, meneliti tempat pembuatannya. F. Heger telah mengklasifikasikan nekara ke dalam empat tipe utama yang dikenal dengan nama Heger I, Heger 11, Heger I11 dan Heger IV. Dua tipe di antaranya ditemukan di Indonesia, yaitu tipe Heger I yang tersebar dari Sumatera hingga Irian Jaya, dan tipe Heger IV yang ditemukan di Jawa yaitu di Banten dan Weleri. . Di Indonesia ditemukan pula tipe nekara yang lain, yaitu tipe Pejeng. Jenis nekara tersebut dinamai berdasarkan nama sebuah desa di Kabupaten Gianyar, yaitu Desa Pejeng, tempat nekara tersebut ditemukan untuk pertama kalinya. Nekara tipe Pejeng oleh penduduk desa di Kabupsten Gianyar diberi nama “Bulan Pejeng”. Nekara ini merupakan yang terbesar yang pernah ditemukan. Nekara Billan Pejeng berdiameter timpan 160 cm dan tinggi 198 cm. Bulan Pejeng ini meruyakan tipe dasar semua nekara lainnya yang memiliki bentuk dan pola hiasan serupa. Berdasarkan hiasannya, nekara Pejeng dapat diklasifikasi ke dalam V tipe, yaitu tipe Pejeng I hingga Pejeng V. Semua nekara yang memiliki hiasan serupa dengan Bulan Pejeng dimasukkan ke dalam tipe Pejeng I, sedangkan nekara tipe Pejeng I1 sampai dengan Pejeng V memiliki hiasan beragam. Ciri nekara tipe Pejeng I yang paling menonjol idah : 1. bentuknya yang ramping; 2. bidang pukul yang menjorong ke luar, yang lebarnya melewati bagian atas bahunya; 3, memiliki empat pegangan yang terletak simetris pada empat penjuru arah di sekliling bahu; 4. memiliki hiasan di bagian bidang pukul berupa lingkaran memusat (konsentrik) mengelilingi sebuah bintang di bagian tengah, dengan bulatan yang menonjol dan garis-garis bergelombang di dalam bidang lingkaran yang terbesar (paling luar); pola hias inuka manusia atau topeng di bagian bahu. Bentuk, hiasan, tempat asal, dan persebaran nekara tipe Heger 1 dan Pejeng sangat berbeda. Akan tetapi di Lamongan, Kendal, dan Traji, kedua tipe tersebut ditemukan bersamaan sebagai tutup dan wadah kubur yang disusun bertumpuk dan mengandung berbagai jenis bekal temuan. Cara bersusun seperti ini juga ditemukan di Silindung, Kalimantan Barat, namun nekara yang digunakan hanya dari tipe Heger I. Nekara yang disusun bertumpuk belum pernah ditemukan di luar Indonesia. Fungsi nekara tipe Heger I dan tipe Pejeng dapat diketahui berdasarkan bunyinya gemanya ketika ditabuh, penggunaannya untuk keperluan gaib (magi), dan kaitannya dengan penguburan atau kematian. Sejumlah nekara berukuran kecil (miniatur nekara), yang di Vietnam digunakan sebagai bekal kubur, ditemukan pula di berbagai lokasi di Indonesia. Nekara tipe Pejeng digunakan sebagai pusaka keluarga, dpuja, atau mas kawin. Tentang bagaimana nekara-nekara Pejeng dibuat di Bali, ha1 ini didasarkan pada perkiraan bahwa orang-orang Bali dalam membuat suatu tanpa menggunakan benda lain sebagai dasar atau contoh. Para seniman tradisional di Bali telah terbiasa membuat benda tanpa mencontDh atau meniru bentuk-bentuk lain di sekitar mereka. Wilayah persebaran tipe nekara ini terbatas di Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Bali, Kabupaten Flores Timur, dan Alor. Nekara tipe Heger memiliki kadar keteraturan dalam pembuatannya, yang tercermin pada bentuk, ukuran, dan pola hiasnya. Sebaliknya nekara tipe Pejeng tidak memiliki keteraturan dalam pembuatannya sehingga bentuk, ukuran, dan hiasannya sehingga sulit dipadukan ke dalam suatu klasifikasi. Di samping nekara yang dibuat dari perunggu, ada pula bentuk nekara tipe Heger yang dibuat dari batu. Nekara tipe Heger ditemukan pula dalam bentuk lukisan pada kubur peti batu dan pahatan di sebuah batu besar. Nekara tipe Pejeng ditemukan tiruannya yang dibuat dari batu dan befingsi sebagai asana (tahta) seorang dewa atau tokoh suci.

Research of the bronze kettledrums in Heger and Pejeng type is aimed to clarifay the hnction, classification, and the production place of the kettledrums. F. Heger has c!assified the kettledrums into four main types, which are still being referred to as the Heger I, Heger 11, Heger 111, and Heger IV types Two types were found in Indonesia, namely the Heger I which was found spread from Sumatra to Irian Jaya, and the Heger IV type was found in Jaya at Banten and Weleri. Besides there was another type of kettledrum found in Indonesia, which is called the Pejeng type. The name Pejeng, referred to the name of the village of Pejeng which is located in the Gianyar Regency where the kettledrum was found for the first time. This kettledrum at Pejeng, named the Batara Sasih or Bulan Pejeng (the Pejeng Moon), by, the villagers in the Gianyar Regency, is the largest drum ever found with the diameter of 160 cm of the tympan and a height of 186,5 cm. The “Pejeng Moon” (Bulan Pejeng) is the basic type of all kinds of drums which have similar form and patterns of decoration. Based on the ornaments, the Pejeng drums can be classified into Pejeng I to Pejeng V type. Kettledrums of the Pejeng I type are those which have ornaments similar to that of the “Pejeng Moon”, while the Pejeng 11, 111, IV and V type have varied ornaments. The most prominent features of the drums of the Pejeng type are: 1. their slender form; 2. protruding tumpans surpassing the border of the mantle’s circumference; 4.decorations on the tympans in the form of concentric circles around a star at the centre with en-relief knobs and wavy lines inside the broadest circular belt; five human face or mask ornaments on the mantle. The Heger I and Pejeng types differ in form, ornaments, places of origin, and distribution. But ini Lamongan, Kendal, and Traji, both types were found together, one placed on top of the other, as burial containers including various sorts of burial gifts. Similar mode of burial was found at Silindung in West Kalimantan, but all were of the Heger I type. Kettledrums placed one on top of the other were never found outside Indonesian territory. The function of both Heger I and Pejeng drums can be determined based on the role of their users, their echos when beaten, their usage for magical purposes, and their relation to the burial of the death. Miniature kettledrums, which in Vietnam were used as burial giRs, were also found at various places in Indonesia. Some Pejeng type drums were used as family heirloom, symbol of family pride and prestige as well as dowry. The Pejeng drums were made in Bali without using any object or form as model. Traditional artists are used to making objects without imitating or following models of other objects in their surroundings. This type of drum had a limited area of distribution: Central Java, East Java, and Bali. All types of Pejeng drums, namely the Pejeng I, 11, 111, IV and V types were found at the regency of East Flores and Nor. In Bali, Heger drums have never been found. circumference; 4.decorations on the tympans in the form of concentric circles around a star at the centre with en-relief knobs and wavy lines inside the broadest circular belt; five human face or mask ornaments on the mantle. The Heger I and Pejeng types differ in form, ornaments, places of origin, and distribution. But ini Lamongan, Kendal, and Traji, both types were found together, one placed on top of the other, as burial containers including various sorts of burial gifts. Similar mode of burial was found at Silindung in West Kalimantan, but all were of the Heger I type. Kettledrums placed one on top of the other were never found outside Indonesian territory. The function of both Heger I and Pejeng drums can be determined based on the role of their users, their echos when beaten, their usage for magical purposes, and their relation to the burial of the death. Miniature kettledrums, which in Vietnam were used as burial giRs, were also found at various places in Indonesia. Some Pejeng type drums were used as family heirloom, symbol of family pride and prestige as well as dowry. The Pejeng drums were made in Bali without using any object or form as model. Traditional artists are used to making objects without imitating or following models of other objects in their surroundings. This type of drum had a limited area of distribution: Central Java, East Java, and Bali. All types of Pejeng drums, namely the Pejeng I, 11, 111, IV and V types were found at the regency of East Flores and Nor. In Bali, Heger drums have never been found. The Heger type has particular regularities in the manufacture of drums which is The Heger type has particular regularities in the manufacture of drums which is demonstrable in their shapes, sizes, as well as ornaments. On the other hand, the Pejeng type has no strict regularities in its manufacture, and therfore the shapes, sizes, and ornaments are difficult to combine to be categorized into a particular type. Besides the ones made of bronze, there are also imitations of Heger drums which were made of stone. Others were found in the form of paintings in stone cist graves, or carved on bid rocks. There are also imitations of stone of the Pejeng drum and used as asana (throne) of a god or divine person.

Kata Kunci : Arkeologi,Nekara Tipe Pejeng dan Tipe Heger

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