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MUSA PARTOGI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Taufik Mulyono, M.T.

2015 | Tesis | S2 Sistem dan Teknik Transportasi

Penerapan metoda kontrak yang tepat dapat meningkatkan kualitas jalan dan juga dapat mendorong peningkatan peran serta pihak swastadalam pembangunan nasional. Hal ini menjadi dasar penerapan Performance Based Contract (PBC) di BBPJN-I pada tahun 2014. Penerapan PBC mengharuskan SDM kontraktor berkualitas dan memiliki inovasi dan teknologi yang efektif serta efisien. Untuk itu diperlukan identifikasi kinerja kontraktor di wilayah kerja BBPJN-I berbasis penerapan SIDLACOM (Survey, Investigation, Design, Land Acquisition, Action Program, Construction, Operation, Maintenance), menentukan prioritas penanganan dan memberikan solusi penanganan terhadap hasil identifikasi permasalahan kinerja kontraktor agar penerapan PBC dapat mencapai hasil yang diharapkan. Identifikasi kinerja kontraktor pada penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner dengan mencermati faktor problem dasar penanganan jalan nasional yang selama ini terjadi ditinjau dari segi teknis maupun non-teknis di wilayah kerja BBPJN-I secara komprehensif berbasis integrasi SIDLACOM dan ditinjau dari dua aspek yaitu tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat penanganan menggunakan metode Importance- Performance Analysis (IPA) dan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor problem dasar kinerja kontraktor di wilayah kerja BBPJN-I yang menjadi prioritas penanganan untuk memenuhi persyaratan penerapan PBC dari hasil penggabungan analisis kuadran IPA dan analisis CSI tiap faktor, antara lain: komitmen menerapkan standar mutu; ketepatan metode kerja pemeliharaan konstruksi jalan; kepastian progres fisik tidak terlambat; komitmen terhadap penerapan standar mutu; kecukupan keuangan kontraktor; pengecekan relevansi DED terhadap kondisi lapangan; kesiapan teknologi untuk mendukung penerapan DED. Solusi penanganan untuk mengatasi permasalahan identifikasi kinerja kontraktor di wilayah BBPJN-I dapat dilakukan dengan tata kelola SDM, tata laksana operasional dan tata kelola organisasi.

Implementation of appropriate contract method can improve the quality of the roads and can increased participation of the private sector in national development. This is the basis for the implementation of Performance Based Contract (PBC) in BBPJN-I in 2014. Implementation of PBC requires qualified human resources and the contractor must have an effective innovation and technology as well as efficient. It required to identificate of the contractor's performance in the working area BBPJN-I based on implementation of SIDLACOM (Survey, Investigation, Design, Land Acquisition, Action Programme,Construction, Operation, Maintenance), determinate of top handling priority and apply a handling solutions contractors performance so the implementation of PBC can achieve the expected results. Identification of the contractor's performance in this study was conducted using a questionnaire to examine the basic problem of handling the national roads in terms of technical and non-technical in the region of BBPJN-I comprehensively based on integration SIDLACOM and evaluated from two aspects : the level of importance and level of performance using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) methods. The results showed the basic problems of contractor performance in the working area of BBPJN-I that must be top handling priority to meet the requirements of PBC obtained from merging results of IPA quadrant analysis and CSI analysis of each factors and variables include : commitments apply quality standards; accuracy of the maintenance work method; physical progress is not too late; commitment to the implementation of quality standards; the financial sufficiency of the contractor; checking the DED relevance with site condition; technology readiness to support the implementation of the DED. A handling solutions to overcome contractors performance in working area BBPJN-I can be done by human resources improvements, operational improvements and organizational improvements.

Kata Kunci : kinerja kontraktor, CSI, IPA, SIDLACOM, PBC, BBPJN-I

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