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Implementasi kebijakan Undang-undang nomor: 22 tahun 1999 tentang pemerintahan daerah :: Studi kasus Kabupaten Klaten

PURNOMO, Hadi, Dr. Warsito Utomo

2002 | Tesis | Magister Administrasi Publik

Tesis ini rnengidentifikasi implementasi kebijakan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahm 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah di Kabupaten Klaten. Penjabarm UU Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 amatlah kompleks dan luas, untuk itu implementasi akan kami fokuskan pa& dua bidang pemerintahan yang dewasa ini sering terjadi top& bahasan di setiap seminar, diskusi serta lokakarya dalam lingkungan aparat birokrasi, yaitu bidang kelembagaan dan bidang pembiayaan. Kebijakan bidang kelembagaan clan pembeayaan merupakan pelaksanaan UU Nomor 22 Taliun 1999 yang diatul. lebih lanjut dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 84 Tahw 2000 tentang Pedoman Ckganisasi Perangkat Daerah, dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 105 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengelolaan dan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan Daerah. Proses implementasi bidang kelembagaan dan pernbeayaan cukup a lot dan rumit yang melibatkan institusi pemerintahan di daerah dan kumponen masyarakat Klaten, bahkan pembahasan secara intensif telah dilaksanakan antara Pemerintah Daerah dan DPRD serta beberapa kali melakukanb lionsu1t;rsi dan koordinasi dengan Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Tertgah. M i a t dari mckanisme yembentukan kebijakan kelembagaan dan pembeayaan, Pemerintah Daerah dan DPRD bersama-sama adalah pembuat kebijakan. Namun pada tahap pslahsanaan kebijakan, hedua institusi tersebut mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda, yaitu Kepala Daerah melaksanakan kebijakan sedang DPRD melakukan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan I

Tfhis thesis is attempting to identlfy the implementation of the Act of 22 / 1999 on Local Governance in Klaten Regency. The elaboration of the Act is very complex; therefore the implementation will be focused in seminars and workshops by executives. The policy on institutional and financial field is the implementation of the Act of 84 / 2000 on Local Organizational Executive Guidelines, and Government Regulation of 105 / 2000 on the Management and Accountability of Local Finance. The implementation of ins’..tfiona1 an financial fields is very complicated and not easy, because it involves institutions in local government and participation of the people of Klaten Central Java have been conducted several times. Viewed from the mechanism of the making of institusional and fmcial policy, local government in cooperation with local house of representatives make the policy. However, in impelemntation stage, the two entities serve different functions. The regent executes the policy while the local house of representatives supervises the policy implementation. Results of the study suggest that the local house of representatives serves its function over what it is supposed to do, reducing the position equality. The house also tends to supervise technical aspects of the governance. The controls were manifested m some recommendations, including the threat to dismiss the local investment and marketing board if the office fails to meet the targeted standard in the spesified one year. Another recommendation is that the Regent is required to consult the Chief of Local House of representatives. Heads of Fractions, and Heads of Commissions befm he appoints particular person for echelon 11 b positions. Meanwhile the appointment of echelon IT a position ( Local Secretary) must be in line with the Act of 22/1997 paragraph 61 article 4, stating that the appointment has to be consulted to the chairman of the Local House of Representatives. Finnaly the Local House of Representatives tends to have functional control as if it has higher position than the Local Executives, particularly in obtaining local budget in Local Income and Expenditure Budget (APBD).

Kata Kunci : Kebijakan UU No22 th1999, Pemda Klaten

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