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SITI SOLEKAH, Drg. Sri Suparwitri, SU, Sp.Ort (K)

2015 | Tesis | SP ORTODONSIA

Perawatan ortodontik cekat teknik Begg menggunakan archwire yang pembuatannya berpedoman pada chart dengan satu macam bentuk lengkung dan besarnya bervariasi. Pemilihan chart berdasarkan jumlah lebar mesio distal keenam gigi anterior rahang atas dan rahang bawah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemakaian archwire pada perawatan ortodontik cekat teknik Begg terhadap bentuk dan lebar lengkung gigi bedasarkan titik pengukuran WALA ridge. Penelitian dilakukan pada 41 studi model pasien sebelum dan sesudah perawatan. Bentuk lengkung gigi dibuat melalui titik-titik facial axis gigi-geligi rahang atas dan rahang bawah, kemudian disuperimposkan dengan template dari bentuk lengkung gigi pentamorphic dan dianalisis menggunakan uji non parametrik crosstabs. Lebar lengkung gigi diukur pada titik facial axis gigi inter kaninus dan intermolar rahang atas dan rahang bawah, kemudian dilakukan analisis menggunakan paired t test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk lengkung gigi rahang atas sebagian besar berbentuk tapered dan normal, sedangkan rahang bawah berbentuk normal. Lebar lengkung gigi di regio intermolar atas dan bawah mengalami penyempitan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bentuk dan lebar lengkung gigi setelah perawatan ortodontik cekat teknik Begg sesuai dengan archwire yang digunakan. Kata kunci: Teknik Begg, bentuk dan lebar lengkung gigi, WALA ridge, archwire, bentuk lengkung pentamorphic

Fixed orthodontic with Begg technique uses archwire which made based on the chart that has a curved shaped with size variation. The choice of the chart based on the sum of mesiodistal width of 6 anterior teeth of upper and lower arch. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of the using of archwire in fixed orthodontic treatment with Begg technique towards the shape and the width of teeth arch based on WALA ridge measurement points. The research was done on 41 patient study models before and after treatment. The teeth arch shape was made through facial axis point of upper and lower teeth, which then was superimposed with the template of pentamorphic teeth arch shape, the data then were analysed using non parametric crosstabs. The teeth arch width was measured on facial axis point of inter canine and inter molar of upper and lower arch, the data then were analysed using paired t-test. The research show that the majority of maxillary dental arch form has tapered and normal shape, while lower arch has normal shape. The width of the dental arch inter molar of upper and lower constriction. The conclusion of this research is the shape and witdh of teeth arch after fixed orthodontic treatment using Begg technique is in accordance with the archwire used. Keywords: The Begg technique, the shape and width of the arch form, WALA ridge, archwire, pentamorphic arch shape

Kata Kunci : Teknik Begg, bentuk dan lebar lengkung gigi, WALA ridge, archwire, bentuk lengkung pentamorphic; The Begg technique, the shape and width of the arch form, WALA ridge, archwire, pentamorphic arch shape

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