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KRISTINA WIJAYA GUNAWAN, drg. Cendrawasih A.F., M.Kes., Sp.Ort(K)

2015 | Tesis | SP ORTODONSIA

Friksi yang terjadi antara permukaan braket dan kawat busur sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan pergerakan gigi. Jenis ligasi, ukuran slot, dan lebar braket, serta ukuran kawat busur dapat mempengaruhi besar gaya friksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari perbandingan gaya friksi busur stainless steel pada braket Begg, Edgewise preadjusted konvensional, dan self-ligating. Penelitian ini menggunakan busur stainless steel pada braket Begg, Edgewise preadjusted konvensional, dan self-ligating. Empat puluh sampel penelitian dibagi dalam 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok braket Begg ligasi safety-lock pin, Begg ligasi regular-lock pin, Edgewise preadjusted konvensional, dan selfligating. Setiap kelompok dibagi lagi menjadi 2 kelompok, 5 sampel diuji dengan busur stainless steel 0,016 inci dan lainnya diuji dengan busur stainless steel 0,020 inci. Friksi diukur menggunakan alat Universal Testing Machine. Data yang diperoleh diuji dengan analisis variansi dua jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan friksi yang bermakna pada penggunaan beberapa jenis braket dan ukuran kawat busur serta interaksi antara penggunaan beberapa jenis braket dan kawat busur (p<0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan gaya friksi busur stainless steel pada penggunaan beberapa jenis braket dengan gaya friksi terkecil pada braket selfligating menggunakan kawat busur stainless steel 0,016 inci dan gaya friksi terbesar pada braket Begg ligasi regular-lock pin menggunakan kawat busur stainless steel 0,020 inci.

Friction that occurs on bracket and archwire interface greatly affect tooth movement. Ligation types, slot size, bracket wide, and archwire size can affect frictional force. The objectives of this study was to compare frictional force of Begg, conventional preadjusted Edgewise, and self-ligating brackets using stainless steel archwire. This study used stainless steel archwires on Begg, conventional preadjusted Edgewise, and self-ligating brackets. Fourty samples were divided by 4 groups: Begg bracket with safety-lock pin, Begg bracket with regular-lock pin, conventional preadjusted Edgewise, and self-ligating brackets group. Each group was further divided by 2 groups, 5 samples was tested with 0.016 inch stainless steel archwires and the others with 0.020 inch. Friction was measured using Universal Testing Machine. The data were tested by 2-way analysis of variance. The results showed that there was statistically significant difference of friction because of bracket types and archwire sizes and the interaction between the use of bracket types and archwire sizes (p<0.05). The conclusions were there was difference frictional force of Begg, conventional preadjusted Edgewise, and self-ligating brackets using stainless steel archwire with the lowest friction was self-ligating brackets using 0,016 inch stainless steel archwire and the highest was Begg bracket with regular-lock pin using 0,020 inch stainless steel archwire.

Kata Kunci : friksi, braket Begg, braket Edgewise preadjusted konvensional, braket self-ligating, busur stainless steel

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