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ASRINA, Bapak Prof. Dr. Warsito Utomo


Penilaian efektivitas kepemimpinan merupakan rangkaian kegiatan yang tidak bisa diabaikan mengingat besarnya peran seorang pemimpin dalam sebuah institusi, dan bisa di jadikan acuan dalam kinerja institusi mewujudkan visi misinya. Penelitian ini berangkat dari permasalahan yang terjadi di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi dimana tenaga kependidikan kurang mendapatkan perhatian bahkan sering dianggap sebagai tenaga kelas dua yang tidak cakap dan tanggap dalam pekerjaannya. Pimpinan seharusnya lebih memperhatikan ini dalam peningkatan capacity building universitas kedepan. Adapun permasalahan tersebut adalah (1) kondisi tenaga kependidikan selama ini (jumlah, tingkat pendidikan dan kompentensi), (2) peran pimpinan dalam memotivasi tenaga kependidikan, (3) komunikasi atasan dengan bawahan, (4) reward dan punishment, (5) terbatasnya sumber daya yang berkualitas, (6) kurangnya pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi para pegawai. Secara umum, permasalahan tersebut mengenai kepemimpinan, motivasi, kemampuan personal dan komunikasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah tenaga kependidikan di tiga direktorat yang berada di kantor pusat UGM dan sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada. Tehnik sampling disproportionate stratified random sampling. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer berupa jawaban responden mengenai variabelvariabel penelitian, diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara. Uji normalitas, uji validitas item dan uji reliabilitas dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data reliabel. Cronbach’s Alpha sebesar 92% untuk efektifitas kepemimpinan dan 95,6% untuk kinerja SDM. Hasil korelasi Pearson antara variabel efektifitas kepemimpinan dan kinerja SDM sebesar 0.762 dengan signifikansi pada level 0.01 dengan uji 2 sisi. nilai R² (R square) sebesar 58.1 %. Adjusted R Square sebagai sumbangan pengaruh variabel independen terhadap dependen sebesar 0.577, dan standard error of the estimate sebesar 8.527. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada korelasi positif antara efektifitas kepemimpinan dengan kualitas kinerja SDM (Tenaga Kependidikan) Universitas Gadjah Mada

Assessment of leadership effectiveness is a important series of activities connected with the role of a leader in an institution. This assessment can be made as a reference to the performance of institutions in the purpose to realize its vision and mission. This study set of problems that occur in the higher education environment where the academic staff received less attention and often regarded as second-class workers who are incompetent and inresponsive in their work. Leaders should pay more attention to capacity building for the university's future. The issues are (1) the conditions for education personnel (number, level of education and competence), (2) the role of leadership in staff-motivating, (3) communication between superiors and subordinates, (4) reward and punishment, (5) limitation of good quality resources, (6) lack of education and training for employees. In general, all the issue is about leadership, motivation, personal ability and communication. The population in this study is the educational staff at the three directorates which is located at the UGM central office and the Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University. Disproportionate stratified random sampling technique sampling were used in this study. The data used in this study is primary data in the form of respondents' answers regarding the research variables, obtained through questionnaires and interviews. Normality test, item validity and reliability testing is conducted to obtain the reliability of the data. Cronbach's Alpha of 92% are used for the effectiveness of leadership and 95.6% also used for HR performance. The results of the Pearson correlation between leadership effectiveness and performance of human resorce is 0,672 with significance at the level of 0,01 conducted with 2 sided test. The R² value (R-square) is 58.1%. Adjusted R Square as the contribution of the independent variables effect to dependent effect is 0577, and the error standard of the estimate is 8527. Based on the results of this study, it was indicate that there is a positive correlation between leadership effectiveness with performance of human resource quality (proffesional staff) in Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Kata Kunci : Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi, Kepemimpinan, Efektifitas Kepemimpinan, Motivasi, Perilaku Organisasi, Penilaian Kinerja, Manajemen SDM

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