i'u al-Baya>n Tafsi>r A>ya>t Al-Ah}ka>m Min al-Qura>n" karya Muh}ammad 'Ali Al-S}a>bu>ni . Metode dalam analisis data adalah metode kontekstual dengan menggunakan teori dalam kajian pragmatik. Penyajian hasil analisis data, dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tuturan direktif Ayat-ayat Hukum menggunakan modus tuturan direktif langsung dan modus tuturan direktif tidak langsung. Penggunaan tuturan direktif langsung meliputi (1) Modus Imperatif, (2) Modus Imperatif Bersyarat, dan (3) Modus Imperatif dengan Peringatan. Sementara penggunaan direktif tidak langsung terdiri atas (1) Tuturan Deklaratif tak Berpenanda, (2) Tuturan Pernyataan Keharusan, (3) Tuturan Pernyataan Kebolehan, dan (4) Tuturan Himbauan. Masing-masing tuturan melibatkan aspek konteks tutur serta maksud tutur yang berbeda-beda. Pada gilirannya kedua aspek tersebut juga dapat mempengaruhi fungsi pemakaian tuturan direktif. Dari aspek fungsi pemakaiannya, tuturan direktif Ayat-ayat Hukum terdiri dari (1) fungsi memerintah, (2) fungsi melarang, (3) fungsi mewajibkan, (4) fungsi mengharamkan, (5) fungsi membolehkan, dan terakhir (7) fungsi menunjukkan cara. This research is intended to analyze the language use in Al-Quran viewed from the pragmatic perspective, particularly, the directive speech act in the verses of law. The analysis includes the mode of directive speech act used, the purpose of utterance, the context of utterance, and the function of the directive speech acts used. This research is executed through three steps, namely, data collecting, data analysis, and result presentation of data analysis. The data are gathered by employing reading and note-taking techniques. Data are taken from interpretation book of Al-Quran (kitab tafsir) entitled "Rawa>i'u al-Baya>n Tafsi>r A>ya>t Al-Ah}ka>m Min al-Qura>n" by Muhammad ‘Ali Al- S}a>bu>ni. The method used in data analysis is contextual method which apply the theories in pragmatic studies. While, the result of data analysis is presented descriptively. The result of this research indicates that directive speech act in verses of law in Al-Quran utilize direct and indirect directive speech act modes. The use of direct directive speech act mode covers (1) Imperative Mode, (2) Conditional Imperative Mode, (3) Imperative Mode with Reminding, (4). On the other hand, the use of indirect directive speech act mode consists of (1) Declarative Utterance of Obligation, (2) Declarative Utterance, (3) Declarative Utterance of Permission, and (4) Utterance of Suggestion. Each utterance involves different contexts and purposes. In turns, the two aspects can also influence the functions of the use of directive speech act. The functions of the use of directive speech act include (1) directing, (2) prohibiting, (3) obligating, (4) forbidding, (5) Permitting, and (7) indicating manner."> i'u al-Baya>n Tafsi>r A>ya>t Al-Ah}ka>m Min al-Qura>n" karya Muh}ammad 'Ali Al-S}a>bu>ni . Metode dalam analisis data adalah metode kontekstual dengan menggunakan teori dalam kajian pragmatik. Penyajian hasil analisis data, dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tuturan direktif Ayat-ayat Hukum menggunakan modus tuturan direktif langsung dan modus tuturan direktif tidak langsung. Penggunaan tuturan direktif langsung meliputi (1) Modus Imperatif, (2) Modus Imperatif Bersyarat, dan (3) Modus Imperatif dengan Peringatan. Sementara penggunaan direktif tidak langsung terdiri atas (1) Tuturan Deklaratif tak Berpenanda, (2) Tuturan Pernyataan Keharusan, (3) Tuturan Pernyataan Kebolehan, dan (4) Tuturan Himbauan. Masing-masing tuturan melibatkan aspek konteks tutur serta maksud tutur yang berbeda-beda. Pada gilirannya kedua aspek tersebut juga dapat mempengaruhi fungsi pemakaian tuturan direktif. Dari aspek fungsi pemakaiannya, tuturan direktif Ayat-ayat Hukum terdiri dari (1) fungsi memerintah, (2) fungsi melarang, (3) fungsi mewajibkan, (4) fungsi mengharamkan, (5) fungsi membolehkan, dan terakhir (7) fungsi menunjukkan cara. This research is intended to analyze the language use in Al-Quran viewed from the pragmatic perspective, particularly, the directive speech act in the verses of law. The analysis includes the mode of directive speech act used, the purpose of utterance, the context of utterance, and the function of the directive speech acts used. This research is executed through three steps, namely, data collecting, data analysis, and result presentation of data analysis. The data are gathered by employing reading and note-taking techniques. Data are taken from interpretation book of Al-Quran (kitab tafsir) entitled "Rawa>i'u al-Baya>n Tafsi>r A>ya>t Al-Ah}ka>m Min al-Qura>n" by Muhammad ‘Ali Al- S}a>bu>ni. The method used in data analysis is contextual method which apply the theories in pragmatic studies. While, the result of data analysis is presented descriptively. The result of this research indicates that directive speech act in verses of law in Al-Quran utilize direct and indirect directive speech act modes. The use of direct directive speech act mode covers (1) Imperative Mode, (2) Conditional Imperative Mode, (3) Imperative Mode with Reminding, (4). On the other hand, the use of indirect directive speech act mode consists of (1) Declarative Utterance of Obligation, (2) Declarative Utterance, (3) Declarative Utterance of Permission, and (4) Utterance of Suggestion. Each utterance involves different contexts and purposes. In turns, the two aspects can also influence the functions of the use of directive speech act. The functions of the use of directive speech act include (1) directing, (2) prohibiting, (3) obligating, (4) forbidding, (5) Permitting, and (7) indicating manner.">
Laporkan Masalah

Tuturan direktif dalam Al-Quran :: Kajian pragmatik terhadap ayat-ayat hukum

PURNAWAN, Ayup, Prof. Dr. I Dewa Putu Wijana, SU., MA

2009 | Tesis | S2 Linguistik

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas pemakaian bahasa dalam Al- Quran dari perspektif pragmatik, yaitu membahas tindak tutur direktif dalam Ayat-ayat Hukum. Pembahasan meliputi modus tuturan direktif yang digunakan, maksud tutur, konteks tutur, dan fungsi pemakaian tindak tutur direktif. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu tahap penyediaan data, tahap analisis, dan tahap penyajian hasil analisis. Pada tahap penyediaan data, data dikumpulkan dengan teknik baca dan catat. Data didapatkan dari buku tafsir yang berjudul"Rawa>i'u al-Baya>n Tafsi>r A>ya>t Al-Ah}ka>m Min al-Qura>n" karya Muh}ammad 'Ali Al-S}a>bu>ni . Metode dalam analisis data adalah metode kontekstual dengan menggunakan teori dalam kajian pragmatik. Penyajian hasil analisis data, dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tuturan direktif Ayat-ayat Hukum menggunakan modus tuturan direktif langsung dan modus tuturan direktif tidak langsung. Penggunaan tuturan direktif langsung meliputi (1) Modus Imperatif, (2) Modus Imperatif Bersyarat, dan (3) Modus Imperatif dengan Peringatan. Sementara penggunaan direktif tidak langsung terdiri atas (1) Tuturan Deklaratif tak Berpenanda, (2) Tuturan Pernyataan Keharusan, (3) Tuturan Pernyataan Kebolehan, dan (4) Tuturan Himbauan. Masing-masing tuturan melibatkan aspek konteks tutur serta maksud tutur yang berbeda-beda. Pada gilirannya kedua aspek tersebut juga dapat mempengaruhi fungsi pemakaian tuturan direktif. Dari aspek fungsi pemakaiannya, tuturan direktif Ayat-ayat Hukum terdiri dari (1) fungsi memerintah, (2) fungsi melarang, (3) fungsi mewajibkan, (4) fungsi mengharamkan, (5) fungsi membolehkan, dan terakhir (7) fungsi menunjukkan cara.

This research is intended to analyze the language use in Al-Quran viewed from the pragmatic perspective, particularly, the directive speech act in the verses of law. The analysis includes the mode of directive speech act used, the purpose of utterance, the context of utterance, and the function of the directive speech acts used. This research is executed through three steps, namely, data collecting, data analysis, and result presentation of data analysis. The data are gathered by employing reading and note-taking techniques. Data are taken from interpretation book of Al-Quran (kitab tafsir) entitled "Rawa>i'u al-Baya>n Tafsi>r A>ya>t Al-Ah}ka>m Min al-Qura>n" by Muhammad ‘Ali Al- S}a>bu>ni. The method used in data analysis is contextual method which apply the theories in pragmatic studies. While, the result of data analysis is presented descriptively. The result of this research indicates that directive speech act in verses of law in Al-Quran utilize direct and indirect directive speech act modes. The use of direct directive speech act mode covers (1) Imperative Mode, (2) Conditional Imperative Mode, (3) Imperative Mode with Reminding, (4). On the other hand, the use of indirect directive speech act mode consists of (1) Declarative Utterance of Obligation, (2) Declarative Utterance, (3) Declarative Utterance of Permission, and (4) Utterance of Suggestion. Each utterance involves different contexts and purposes. In turns, the two aspects can also influence the functions of the use of directive speech act. The functions of the use of directive speech act include (1) directing, (2) prohibiting, (3) obligating, (4) forbidding, (5) Permitting, and (7) indicating manner.

Kata Kunci : Tindakan tutur direktif,Ayat,ayat hukum,Pragmatik, directive speech act, verses of law, pragmatics

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