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Upaya pengembangan pedoman sistem floor stock di ICCU RSUD Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh

SURBAYATI, Ester, Dr. Sri Suryawati

2009 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Latar belakang: Sistem floor stock di ICCU RSUD Dr. Zainoel Abidin seharusnya dikelola oleh Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit (IFRS RS). IFRS mendistribusikan floor stock ke bangsal dan poliklinik, namun tidak ada petugas farmasi rumah sakit yang mengelola floor stock di ICCU.. Seminggu sekali permintaan floor stock di dilakukan oleh perawat, akibatnya sering terjadi pemborosan, penumpukan dan kekosongan stok di ICCU, sehingga dapat memperlambat pelayanan terhadap pasien. Dengan demikian diperlukan suatu pedoman yang mengatur tentang hal ini. Kesepakatan pedoman bersama ini penting karena akan menentukan keberhasilan implementasinya. Tujuan: Identifikasi masalah sistem floor stock, pengembangan draft pedoman sistem floor stock dan finalisasi pedoman sistem floor stock di Intensive Coronary Care Unit. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode yang dianjurkan oleh World Health Organization (WHO/INRUD, International Training Course Material On Drug Terapeutics Committee, Arlington, 2001). Pengembangan pedoman sistem floor stock di ICCU dilakukan dengan menggunakan diskusi kelompok kecil dan uji Delphi, melalui 3 tahap yaitu tahap deskriptif (wawancara dan diskusi kelompok terarah), pengembangan materi (diskusi kelompok kecil), penyempurnaan/uji coba penerimaan (uji Delphi). Hasil penelitian: Masalah sistem floor stock di ICCU meliputi terjadinya kekosongan obat, sistem floor stock yang tidak efektif dan efisien, sistem pelaporan dan penggunaan floor stock yang kurang baik. Pengembangan draft pedoman melalui diskusi kelompok kecil sebanyak 3 kali yang melibatkan staf medis, perawat, farmasi dan administrasi dan uji Delphi sebanyak 2 kali yang melibatkan 11 anggota Panitia Farmasi dan Terapi Rumah Sakit dengan mendapat respon 100%. Pedoman ini menghasilkan satu kesepakatan bersama berupa alur permintaan floor stock, Item floor stock yang meliputi item obat sebanyak 41, alat kesehatan 20 item dan habis pakai 11 item, serta formulir yang digunakan untuk permintaan dan pemantauan floor stock di ICCU. Dibandingkan dengan jumlah item yang digunakan selama ini di ICCU yang meliputi 47 item obat, 18 alat kesehatan dan 16 bahan habis pakai, angka yang disepakati sekarang jauh lebih sedikit. Hal ini akan menyebabkan pengelolaan suplay yang lebih mudah. Pedoman sistem floor stock ini akan diusulkan ke Direktur Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. Kesimpulan: Upaya pengembangan sistem floor stock dengan diskusi kelompok kecil dan uji Delphi, dapat menghasilkan pedoman, daftar obat alur floor stock dan formulir-formulir untuk menjalankan sistem floor stock. Penulis menyarankan agar proses uji coba pedoman di semua unit rawatan RSUD Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. Kunci keberhasilan penelitian ini adalah tahap penyusunan draft awal yang ilmiah dan tahap tahap diskusi yang bermanfaat untuk sosialisasi dan menumbuhkan rasa memiliki terhadap pedoman yang disusun.

Background: Floor stock system at Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) at Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital is should be managed by hospital pharmacy that distributes floor stock to wards and polyclinics, but there is no staff of hospital pharmacy to manage floor stock and weekly floor stock is requested by nurses. That caused wastefulness, overstock and unavailability of floor stock in once wark, often happen leading to delayed service to patients. For this reason it is necessary to have a guideline that specifies the procedure and manage of floor stock. Collective agreement of guidelines is important because it will determine the success of the implementation. Objective: To identify problems of floor stock system, developing draft of guideline of floor stock system and the final guideline of floor stock system in ICCU. Method: The study use World Health Organization recommended method (WHO/INRUD, International Training Course Material On Drug Terapeutics Committee, Arlington, 2001). The development of floor stock system guideline at ICCU was carried out through small group discussion and Delphi tests in 3 stages, i.e. descriptive stage (interview and focus group discussion), material development (small group discussion), and completion /acceptance trial (Delphi test). Result: Floor stock system consisted of unavailability of drugs at ICCU, ineffective and inefficient floor stock system, inappropriate reporting system and floor stock utilization. Developing the of guideline through small group discussion was made 3 times involving medical staff, nurse, pharmacy and administration units and through Delphi test two occasions involving 11 members of Pharmacy and Hospital Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee with 100% response rate. The guideline produced a consensus in the of flowchat of floor stock demand, 41 items of drugs, 21 items of health instruments and 11 items of stationeries as well as forms used for the request and monitoring of floor stock at ICCU. The amout of drugs item that chosen to provide as floor stocks in ICCU were less than the actual stocks that consits of 47 drugs, 18 items of health instruments, 16 items of stationeries. It means easier to manage the supplies. Floor stock system guideline that had been made would be proposed to the Director of Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital Banda Aceh. Conclusion: Developing floor stock system through small group discussion and Delphi test produced guideline, drug list, floor stock pathway and floor stock system filling forms. The writer proposes to conduct pilot trial of this guideline at all wards of Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital Banda Aceh. The key success of this research is determined by the step of making scientific early guideline and several discussion that usefull to socialize and make guideline to grow the ownership the participant.

Kata Kunci : Pedoman sistem Floor Stock,Farmasi Rumah Sakit,Panitia Farmasi dan terapi Rumah Sakit,ICCU,Diskusi Kelompok Terarah,Diskusi Kelompok Kecil,Uji Delphi, Floor Stock System Guideline, ICCU, Hospital Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Foc

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