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Keefektifan kerjasama antar lembaga dalam operasi pemulihan terhadap bencana alam :: Studi empirik di D.I.Y. dan Jateng

PURNOMO, Hadi, Dr. Hargo Utomo, MBA.,M.Com

2007 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

Respons terhadap bencana alam khususnya upaya bantuan bagi para korban bencana melibatkan organisasi – organisasi pemberi bantuan. Penelitian keefektifan kerjasama antarlembaga ( interagency ) dalam operasi pemulihan bencana gempa bumi di wilayah Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah ini mengkombinasikan penelitian tentang kerjasama interagency dalam konteks bencana dan penelitian tentang kerjasama interagency dalam pelayanan masyarakat. Penelitian ini diperdalam dengan memperbandingkan persepsi organisasi pemerintah (goverment) dan Organisasi Non Pemerintah (ORNOP) atau Non Govermental Organizational (NGO). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan uji empiris hubungan faktor - faktor situasional (leadership, communication, trust dan commitment) terhadap interagency processes dan outcomes, pengaruh mediasi interagency processes terhadap hubungan antara faktor – faktor situasional dengan outcomes serta perbedaan persepsi faktor – faktor situasional, interagency processes dan outcomes antara organisasi pemerintah dan Non Govermental Organizational (NGO) dalam operasi pemulihan terhadap bencana alam.Penelitian ini selain menguji hipotesis juga mencermati fenomena dalam kerjasama interagency. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi pemimpin organisasi pemerintah terhadap communication lebih tinggi daripada persepsi pemimpin NGO. Faktor situasional (leadership, communication, trust dan commitment) yang merupakan aspek perilaku (behaviour) pemimpin organisasi mempunyai pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap proses kerjasama dan hasil – hasilnya, sedangkan interagency processes baik pada NGO maupun organisasi pemerintah mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan pada hasil – hasil kegiatan (outcomes). Kerjasama antara pemerintah dan NGO dalam upaya bantuan bencana di wilayah Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah menjadi sebuah model kerjasama interagency yang bersifat kemitraan (partnership).

The natural disaster response especially the effort to support the victims of disaster involve the donor organizations. Research on the effectiveness of interagency cooperation in recovery operation of earthquake disaster in Yogyakarta and Central Java regions combines between the research of interagency cooperation in disaster context and the research of interagency cooperation in public services. This research is deepened by comparing the perception of governmental organization and Non Governmental Organization (NGO). The aims of this research is to do the empirical test of the relationship of situational factors (leadership, communication, trust and commitment) to interagency processes and outcomes, the mediation influence of interagency processes to relationship between the situational factors, interagency processes and outcomes between the governmental organization and NGO within recovery operation towards the earthquake disaster. This research is not only to test the hyphotesis but also to observe the phenomenon in the interagency cooperation. The result of this reasearch shows that the perception of the leader of governmental organization toward communication is higher than the perception of leader of NGO. Situational factors (leadership, communication, trust and commitment) which are as behaviour aspects of the organization have different influence towards cooperation processes and their rersult, while interagency processes both in governmetal organization and NGO have significant influence of outcomes. Cooperation between governmental and NGO within the effort to serve the disaster in Yogyakarta and Central Java Regions become a model of partnership interagency cooperation.

Kata Kunci : Kerjasama Antar Lembaga,Bencana Alam, Natural Disaster, Interagency Cooperation, Recovery

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