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Karakterisasi edible film campuran protein biji gude (Cajanus cajan L.DC) dan tapioka

SUPRAYITNO, Dr.Ir. Djagal W. Marseno, M.Agr

2004 | Tesis | S2 Teknologi Hasil Perkebunan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik tepung biji gude dan isolat protein biji gude, mengetahui karakteristik edible film komposit yang dibuat dari tepung biji gude (TBG) atau isolat protein biji gude (IPBG) dan tapioka, serta mengevaluasi pengaruh wrapping dan coating terhadap susut berat buah kelengkeng. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahap. Tahap pertama merupakan tahap isolasi dan karakteristik tepung biji gude (TBG) dan isolat protein biji gude (IPBG). Tahap kedua merupakan tahap karakteristik edible film yang dihasilkan. Edible film komposit kelompok pertama dibuat dari tapioka 1 % (b/v), TBG atau IPBG dengan konsentrasi 1,5 % - 2,5 % (b/v) dan gliserol 1 % (b/v). Edible film komposit kelompok kedua dibuat dari tapioka 1 % (b/v), TBG atau IPBG 2,5 % (b/v), gliserol 1 % (b/v) dan asam palmitat dengan konsentrasi 0 % - 8 % (b/v). Tahap ketiga merupakan tahap aplikasi edible film komposit yang memiliki nilai laju transmisi uap air terendah untuk menghambat susut berat buah kelengkeng selama penyimpanan. Hasil penelitian tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa tepung biji gude memiliki kadar protein 25,07 %, lemak 0,95 % dan kadar air 8,48 %, sedangkan isolat protein biji gude memiliki kadar protein 72,78 %, lemak 2,35 % dan kadar air 5,24 %. Hasil penelitian tahap kedua menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan konsentrasi TBG maupun IPBG akan menurunkan laju transmisi uap air dan pemanjangan, serta meningkatkan tensile strength dan ketebalan film. Peningkatan konsentrasi asam palmitat akan menurunkan laju transmisi uap air, serta meningkatkan ketebalan edible film yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian tahap ketiga menunjukkan bahwa coating dengan menggunakan film dari CIPBG mampu menghambat susut berat buah kelengkeng. Wrapping menggunakan film dari WIPBG kurang efektif untuk menghambat susut berat buah kelengkeng.

The objectives of this research were to isolate and to characterize flour and protein of pigeon peas seeds, to characterize the physical properties of composite edible film made from protein of pigeon peas seeds and tapioca, and to evaluate the effect of coating and wrapping on moisture kelengkeng fruit. This research was divided into three steps. First step was characterization of protein from pigeon peas seeds. Second step was preparation and characterization of edible films. The first group of edible film was prepared using 1 % (w/v) of tapioca, 1,5% - 2,5% (w/v) of pigeon peas seed flour or protein isolation of pigeon peas seeds and 1% (w/v) of gliserol. Second group of edible film was prepared using 1% (w/v) of tapioca, 2,5% (w/v) of pigeon peas seed flour or protein isolation of pigeon peas seeds, 1% (w/v) of gliserol and 0 – 8% (w/v polymer) of palmitic acid. Third step was the utilization of the edible film which has lowest water vapor transmission rate to reduce weight loss kelengkeng fruit during storage. Proximate analysis of pigeon peas seed flour showed that protein, lipid and water content were 25,07%, 0,95% and 8,48%, respectively, where as protein isolation of pigeon peas seeds contain 72,78% of protein, 2,35% of lipid and 5,24% of water. Characterization of first group of edible film showed that the higher concentration of pigeon peas seed flour or protein isolation of pigeon peas seeds added the lower water vapor trasmission rate and elongation, and the higher tensile strength and thickness. The second group of edible film showed that the higher concentration of palmitic acid added the lower water vapor transmission rate and tensile strength. The results of the third study showed that coating with edible film from protein isolation of pigeon peas seeds could reduce weight loss kelengkeng fruit. Wrapping method was not effective to reduce weight loss kelengkeng fruit.

Kata Kunci : Pengolahan hasil perkebunan,Biji Gude,Edible Film Komposit, Pigeon peas seeds, protein, composite edible film

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