Laporkan Masalah

Analisis kinerja ekspor komoditas utama perkebunan Indonesia

WAHYUNI, Sri, Dr.Ir. Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto, MS

2002 | Tesis | S2 Magister Manajemen Agribisnis

Indonesia mau tidak mau pada masa mendatang berada di tengah arus globalisasi, mesti terus memacu ekspornya terutama dari sektor nonmigas, untuk mengurangi ketergantungannya pada migas. Sektor pertanian melalui subsektor perkebunan merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar dalam penerimaan devisa negara, dari total nilai ekspor nonmigas selama ini, karena peranan dan potensi komoditas perkebunan Indonesia memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar dari total nilai ekspor nonmigas Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kineja ekspor komoditas utama perkebunan Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini komoditas-komoditas yang dianalisis meliputi: karet, kopi, teh, tembakau, kelapa sawit, dan kakao. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder time series dari tahun 1971-2000, dengan menggunakan metode analisis: Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) yang menunjukkan pangsa ekspor komoditas, Accelaration Ratio (AR), menguraikan tentang pertumbuhan ekspor, Indeks Spesialisasi Perdagangan (ISP) menguraikan tentang perkembangan siklus hidup produk dan analisis Trend fiinier dengan metode Least Square. menguraikan pertumbuhan nilai ekspor pertahun. Hasil analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan untuk metode RCA, komoditas perkebunan Indonesia mempunyai rata-rata pangsa ekspor yang lebih besar atau diatas rata-rata pangsa ekspor komoditas perkebunan dari semua negara di dunia, karena nilai RCA lebih besar dari satu. Metode AR menunjukkan bahwa hanya komoditas karet yang tidak mempunyai keunggulan komparatif, dimana percepatan pertumbuhan ekspor komoditas hasil perkebunan Indonesia lebih besar dari percepatan pertumbuhan ekspor komoditas hasil perkebunan dunia. Hasil analisis metode ISP komoditas perkebunan Indonesia mempunyai nilai rata-rata 0,8-0,9 sehingga dalam siklus hidup produk komoditas kopi, teh, kelapa sawit, dan kakao berada pada tahap IV, yaitu tahap kedewasaan sedangkan komoditas karet dan tembakau berada pada 2 tahap, yaitu tahap IV dan tahap V yaitu tahap impor kembali. Dengan hasil analisis tersebut diharapkan dapat menggambarkan perkembangan komoditas perkebunan Indonesia sebagai salah satu penyumbang devisa negara dari sektor nonmigas.

Indonesia, in the future, will be forced to stay in the middle of globalization flow. It has to keep forcing its export, mainly from non-oil sectors, to reduce its dependence on oil export. Agricultural sector, through plantation sub-sector, is one of the biggest contributors in the national foreign exchzmge, from the total amount of non-oil. It is caused by the role and the potential of plantation commodities in Indonesia gives big enough contribution from the total value of non-oil ewort in Indonesia. His role of plantation commodity today faces difficult obstacles to keep competing in the international trade. In this study, the analyzed commodities were rubber, coffee, tea, tobacco, oil of palm, and cocoa. From the carried out analysis, it showed that for RCA method, the plantation commodity in Indonesia had bigger average export or above the average of plantation commodity export from all countn'es in the world, because RCA value was bigger than one. AR method showed that only rubber commodity that lack of comparative achievement. While, other plantation commodities had comparative achievement, in which the growth of commodities export of plantation in Indonesia was faster that the commodity-export growth of the world plantation result. The result of ISP method analysis of plantation commodity in Indonesia had an average value of 0.8 4.9, then, the life circle of coffee, tea, oil palm, and cocoa commodity products was in stage W,th at was the stage of matun'ty. While, the commodities of rubber and tobacco were in stage 2 that was stage IV and stage V. those were the stages of returned import. Several causes of reduced main commodity expofl of plantation in Indonesia were: (1) the lack of new buying interest by trader or speculator, (2) the lack of physical demand from main consumer countries, so, the market segment, so far belonged to Indonesia, starting to reduce, (3) defeated by its substitution thing, like natural rubber defeated by synthetic rubber, (4) reduced quality from several main commodities of plantation in Indonesia, (5) reduced interest of the buyer, so, it affected on the prices demand, tended to be lower than the seller price, (6) the lack of support from government to adjust the product, to really become a primary product, in which the debt interest determined for investment credit in agro industrial sector in average was of 20 - 23 percent. In fact, plantation commodity needed year's perlod to harvest the crops. Having the analysis and discussion result, it was hoped that it could reflect the main commodities of plantation in Indonesia, as a contribution t the national foreign exchange from non-oil sector.

Kata Kunci : Ekspor Perkebunan Indonesia,Komoditas Utama,Kinerja,Export Perfomance, Comparative advantage, Plantation Main of Indonesia, RCA, AR, ISP, and Trend

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